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2월, 2017의 게시물 표시

notes on vector

Vector position vector Force vector Scalar triple product volume of parallel-piped defined by … Vector triple product BAC-CAB rule Differential Vector Operators irrotational solenoidal any gradient has a vanishing curl and is solenoidal any curl has a vanishing divergence and is irrotational vector Laplacian or Laplacian for Spherical coordinate Miscellaneous :scalar function, :vector function Del in cylindrical and spherical coordinates - wiki Vector Integration Integration by parts scalar function , vector function or vanish sufficiently strongly at infinity, i.e. integrated terms vanish at infinity

For what values of p and q will $\sum\limits_{n=2}^{\infty }{ \frac{1}{n^p\times(\ln(n))^q} }$ converge?

For what values of p and q will converge? For sufficiently large independent of and , , so is dominant. , converges, so converges for all . , diverges(it’s harmonic numbers). But using integral test, , range of can be divided. converges. diverges. diverges. , diverges, so diverges for all .